Just a quick update to say I've added a Contact Us page. Use this new page to contact me if you find any problems with this website, if you have a suggestion on something I could add, or just to tell me what you think of the website.

UPDATE: Couldn't be bothered to make another news post for this so here goes. Added another episode download, "The Eds Are Coming, The Eds Are Coming", and added an Episode Guide page, which is still in it's basics, which I will start updating soon.
UPDATE2: Have updated the Episode Guide a bit more.
1/24/2010 11:58:14 pm

you have not improved a t all! this site needs more stuff, so you better work on it or you're so Fired!

1/25/2010 12:01:16 am

I have been on this stinkin' show long enough! How come i don't get my own show! It would be called "kEVIN: THE amazing super kid" and I'd be the hero, and I could show my skills on my bike. you need picture of me, man!

1/25/2010 12:03:52 am

shut up, kevin! No one would want to see a square-headed jock, do his "foofy bike tricks" on his incredible hunk of junk!The public wants "us" the eds.

1/25/2010 12:04:33 am

yeah right!


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